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Dover High School Dhs Class Of 1963 50th Reunion


October 18th, 2013 7:00pm
(ending October 20th, 2013 10:00am)


Hilton Garden Inn

ticket prices

Sat. Dinner & dancing, each ticket - $85.00

Invited Classes


About Event

We already have 75 classmates signed up, 30 bringing their significant other. We have special pricing at the Hilton, a Hospitality Suite set up for Fri., breakfast, visit to DHS & the Historical Society plus our dinner dance from 6-midnight Sat. We close out Sun over breakfast, say our good byes and exchange email/mail addresses.

DHS Class of 1963 50th Reunion
Reunion Committee

Everett Lucas '63

Everett Lucas '63

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel