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Columbia Heights High School Alumni Event For Classes Of 1975-1985!


August 4th, 2012


Hampton Inn 1000 Gramise Road, Shoreview MN 651 482.0402

Invited Classes

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About Event

No reunions lately! Come join the Class of 1982 for an evening of dinner, good conversations, DJ entertainment, cash bar, and door prizes. Space is limited so RSVP your spot today and a payment of $45 is due no later then August 2nd. Contact Brent Robinette (Class of 1982) daytime at 763 785.5719, evening 763 639.0260 or by email and I'll fill you in on the payment details.

Alumni Event for classes of 1975-1985!
Reunion Committee

Brent Robinette '82

Brent Robinette '82

Reunion Coordinator

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Reunion Apparel