Colonel Gray Senior High School Alumni
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (PE)
Colonel Gray Senior High School - Class of 1978 Alumni, Charlottetown PE
Join 10 alumni from Colonel Gray Senior High School Class of 1978. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

James Macdonald
Class of 1978

Gordie Lamont
Class of 1978

Bonnie Keddy
Class of 1978

Billy Shaw
Class of 1978

Jack Macdougall
Class of 1978

Martin Rutten
Class of 1978

John Kays
Class of 1978

Cathy Vautour
Class of 1978

Mike Mahar
Class of 1978

Fred Dobbs
Class of 1978
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Class of 1977
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Class of 1979
7 classmates have joined