Collinwood High School Class Of 74....40th Class Reunion
July 19th, 2014 6:00pm
(ending July 20th, 2014)
Willoughby Brew Co
ticket prices
Per advance ONLY - $5.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Please make checks out to Collinwood Class of 74 and mail to Sue (Kushner) McGill at 20971 Morris Ave Euc;id OH 44123. $5 per person
Class of 74 Family Picnic
July 20th, 2014 12:00pm
Colby Park
Invited Classes
About Event
A family get together....more details to come!
Sue Kushner '74 said:
There's only a month to go before our 45th Reunion. Please send your payment today so you won't miss out! Looking forward to seeing everyone on June 8.
Report a ProblemSue Kushner '74 said:
Hi Class of 74! It's not too late to make your reservation for our Reunion. It going to be a fun night, but it won't be the same without YOU!
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