Class rings are the mark of school pride and accomplishments. If you have lost or found a fellow Wildcats class ring post the information here. If you lost a ring, describe it and include a contact email address. If you found a class ring describe it, post where you found it and include your email address. Your email address will not be made visible on the site. We will use it to contact you if need be.
contact us if you have information about any of the posts below:
Citronelle high school 2001 garnet stone summer rivers engraved on inside and summer on the outside
posted September 24th, 2018
Citronelle high school 2001 garnet stone summer rivers engraved on the inside summer on the outside.
class of 1986--confederate flag in center
posted September 4th, 2015
I located a class ring from class of 68 with the name of, ROSA A LOTT. please call Det. E. Suarez from the Miami Dade Police Department. 305-378-4322 Would love to return the ring to the propwer owner. Thank You
posted October 24th, 2013
A class ring from the year 1965 has been discovered and its on a friends facebook.. its a small gold ring with a ruby and inside the ring it has the intials PC and the number 22.... Text me at 251-454-6599 and I will try to help with getting it back to its owner.
posted January 24th, 2013
If anyone has a 1973 mens' classring they want to sell or if a classmate has passed away and want sell it contacr me @ 251-866-0560 thnx Andy Odom
posted November 5th, 2011
Man's 1957 yellow gold, red setting, willdcat logo on one side, high school on the other.
posted October 10th, 2011
I recently lost a man's class ring from 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas. I would be interested in buying one if anyone wanted to get rid of theirs. It was yellow gold with a red stone. I had worn it every day since he died in 2003 and I am devastated. or b
posted September 27th, 2011
1973 class ring red stone A.K.O. or maybe Anthony K. Odom cain't quite remember right now thnx Andy Odom.
I have found an old football charm from 1953 that belonged to my Aunt who spend some time in the South as a teen and am wondering if it is from your school, it has a capital C in the middle of the football and the C is half royal blue and have light blue, would this have been used at your school or would it have been the wildcat emblem all along?
Is there another high school in your area that it could have belonged to?
Thank you,
Rebecca McGillivray
posted February 19th, 2011
1977 Citronelle High School Class Ring Gold with Ruby Stone Goal Post on the side with Football. Andrew Rowell on the inside.
posted December 28th, 2010
steve boo drinkard class of 1996
posted February 28th, 2009
Mens ring has the name scott class of 82. blue stone. Small or medium sized ring.
Found in pearland Tx E-mail
posted December 11th, 2007