Undetermined - Please send suggestions.
Aaron Silverman '98
Amber Stogner '98
Angela Spica '98
Anthony Chiodini '98
Arica Adamsen '98
Brett Schulhauser '98
Brian Harrington '98
Brian Knievel '98
Bryan Wert '98
Carla Miller '98
Chasity Ide '98
Christina Fonseca '98
Chris Walker '98
Clarissa Henson '98
Corneal Singleton '98
Cory Vee '98
Crystal Lopez '98
Dana Ellis '98
Daniel Reyes '98
Darrel Jordan '98
Darryl M '98
Darryn Law '98
David Esser '98
David Mackie '98
Emily Deaver '98
Gina Gurlides '98
Greg Gregory Cress '98
Heather Reynolds '98
Iona F '98
Jaidi Clayton '98
James Maben '98
Jasmine Salmon '98
Jason Barker '98
Jason Lanctot '98
Jay Michael '98
Jeff Wagner '98
Jennifer Mccurdy '98
Jennifer Tassoni '98
Jennifer Tordiff '98
Jeremy Atwood '98
Jessica Esber '98
Jessica Fanning '98
John Seidal '98
Jonathan Crenshaw '98
Joseph West '98
Joshua Andrade '98
Joshua Kelsey '98
Joyelle Planck '98
Julie M '98
Justin Nathans '98
Kacey Adams '98
Karrissa Kirk '98
Katie Coleman '98
Kelly Sudul '98
Kevin Lunkwitz '98
Kimberly Albrecht '98
Kristen Hunsaker '98
Kristin Anderson '98
Kunal Mehta '98
Lance Harris '98
Laura Basinski '98
Lauren Barra '98
Lonnie Dean '98
Maya Stansbury '98
Melissa Reinert '98
Mellissa Ivy '98
Michael Doyle '98
Michael Valencia '98
Michelle Fisher '98
Michelle Guza '98
Mike Cardella '98
Mike Garduno '98
Monica Mull '98
Nathan Valentine '98
Nema Vibbard '98
Nicholas Love '98
Nicole Pagoria '98
Norman Patrick '98
Patience Lawrence '98
Patience Patience Lawrence '98
Racheal Mcsharry '98
Raul Klein '98
Rebecca Jennifer '98
Richard Reibel '98
Rob Johnston '98
Rodney Jones '98
Rose Johnson '98
Ryan Geary '98
Sandra Velos '98
Sarah Mitchell '98
Scott Cochrane '98
Shake Ardroumian '98
Shantele Caberto '98
Shareese Mayfield '98
Shaun Luther '98
Shayla Prater '98
Steve Haws '98
Steven Morris Steven Morris '98
Susan Smith '98
Tabatha Nunley '98
Terra Feist '98
Theresa Baker '98
Tia Macklin '98
Tiffany Daigle '98
Tim Fast '98
Timora Green '98
Todd Colton '98
Tony Mello '98
Tracy Howard '98
Wayne Sanders '98
Wojciech Dudzinski '98
Zack Depew '98
Tia Macklin '98 said:
Lets shoot for September or October for our Reunion! We can do Top Golf, Golden Nugget any of the Station casino conference rooms. Lets get a committee together and do this. I am willing to help.
Chris Walker '98 said:
What’s the latest with this reunion? Is anybody going? The year is half over. Let’s make something happen.
Lauren Barra '98 said:
Starting to plan the event. Trying to get an idea of who will be able to attend. Will take any suggestions/preference for date and place.
Tia Macklin '98 said:
Lets shoot for September or October for our Reunion! We can do Top Golf, Golden Nugget any of the Station casino conference rooms. Lets get a committee together and do this. I am willing to help.
Report a ProblemChris Walker '98 said:
What’s the latest with this reunion? Is anybody going? The year is half over. Let’s make something happen.
Report a ProblemLauren Barra '98 said:
Starting to plan the event. Trying to get an idea of who will be able to attend.
Will take any suggestions/preference for date and place.
Report a Problem