Center Line High School Class Of 1964 50th. Reunion
July 26th, 2014
The Embassy Suites Banquet room
ticket prices
per person - $60.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Rooms are all suites and will be 115.00 per night as long as we rent 10. Includes a full hot cooked to order breakfast. Contact:
Hotel Direct@248-879-7500. OR Embassy Worldwide @1-800-Embassy. ( Request the Center Line High School-50th.Class Reunion Group Rate of $115.00 +13%tax.) Please contact Dianne (Reno) Hayward @ 248-674-7192 with a RSVP Yes or NO by July 15, 2014.
Please pass the information on to any classmates you know. We have been having contact issues, due to old addresses and phone numbers. Hope to see you soon.