Centennial High School Class Of 1984 30th Reunion
July 26th, 2014 7:00pm
(ending July 26th, 2014 12:00am)
Graystone Wine Cellar
544 South Front St.
, Columbus
, Ohio
, 43215
ticket deadline
April 30th, 2014
ticket prices
Filet Mignon w/ Blackberry-Horseradish Sauce - $76.00
Barramundi, a delicate white fish baked with lemon basil butter - $70.00
Three Cheese Ravioli, topped with homemade marinara sauce - $70.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Great news! I've finally got the details for our Reunion!
I have to have 40 paid tickets or this will not come together. If I get the 40 by the end of April, I will have enough to pay the deposits for the dinner, hall and DJ. If not, I will return the checks and we will not have it. TELL AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU KNOW AND POST EVERYWHERE, as I do not have contact information for everyone. This has been a lot of work, but it's going to be fantastic if we can get everyone to go. Bring your spouse or significant other too. You can pay online with a credit card or send a check directly to me. My address is:
Noella Menezes
11611 Gramercy Park Ave.
Lakewood Ranch, FL. 34211
This is our 30th! We deserve a good party. Don't book any airline tickets until I confirm the ticket count at the end of April. That's when I'll be booking from Florida. Looking forward to seeing all of you! Noella
Noella Menezes '84 said:
I have to cancel the Reunion due to lack of interest. Sorry to those who had planned to come. I'll try again at 40 years! Good life to all of you! Noella
Report a ProblemNoella Menezes '84 posted a photo:
Reunion News: Last chance to buy tickets!
Hi! Noella again. We're at 12 people RSV P'd yes, and 4 maybes. Only 3 of the coup les have paid me. The Owner of the Graystone Wine Cellar has been kind enough to hold the reservation for our party without a deposit unt il May 7th. After that the reservation will go unless I pay the $250 deposit. There is a $1500 minimum, thus the 40 person requirement t o cover food champagne and DJ. I HAVE TO GET YOUR PAYMENTS AND COMMITMENT TO COME! Come on guys! This is a once in a lifetime opportuni ty to see everyone and come to a great party! There are several of us flying in. LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN! If you have an issue with payment and need to make other arrangements, p lease call or email me as some of you have alr eady. Lets not have to cancel! Thank you. Noella
Report a ProblemNoella Menezes '84 posted a photo:
Reunion News: Buy your tickets!
Start telling everyone! We need 40 paid ticke ts to book the Graystone Wine Cellar in the Br ewery District. This has been a lot of work, but it's going to be fantastic if we can g et everyone to go. Send me your checks or mon ey orders by April 30th. I will hold them unt il then, and return them if we do not get our count. Bring your spouses too. This is our 3 0th! We deserve a good party. Don't book any airline tickets until I confirm the ticke t count at the end of April. That's when I'll be booking from Florida. Looking for ward to seeing all of you! Noella
Report a ProblemNoella Menezes '84 said:
I live in Florida and want to plan this. Is there anyone in Columbus who would like to be my contact there to help me?
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