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Casa Roble High School 1969 Alumni Saturday Night Get Together


October 11th, 2014 6:00pm - 9:00pm


Round Table Pizza
9500 Greenback Lane , Folsom , California , 95830

ticket prices

No charge except for orders there - $0.00

Invited Classes


About Event

Casa Roble HS "Class of '69" graduates are invited to an informal get-together at Round Table Pizza to reunite with fellow graduates and get caught up after 45 years. The event is in addition to the 1969-72 alumni reunion picnic on Sunday, giving alumni who could not attend Sunday's picnic an opportunity to visit with fellow grads The address is Greenback Lane but the pizza place is on the Madison Avenue side of the shopping center where Greenback and Madison meet. There is no charge to attend this event other than your purchase of food or drink.

If you have any questions on this event and/or the 69-72 alumni picnic on Sunday, please let me know... WLJ1951@AOL.COM

Wayne Johnson - Class of '69

1969 Alumni Saturday Night Get Together
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel

The class of 1969 experienced history on a regular basis: The Summer of Love, the Tet Offensive, Nixon's rise to power, The Beatles' creative peak... very few spans of time can claim to have shaped American culture as much as the late 60's, and you & your Casa Roble High School classmates experienced it together.

Now as you and your fellow Rams prepare to enjoy retirement it's the perfect time to reunite and share where life has brought you in the last five decades. Your reunion is scheduled and AlumniClass is your spot for arranging travel plans, ordering custom Rams merchandise to show off your school spirit, and connect with classmates ahead of time.