Cabot Class Of 1988 - 25 Yr. Reunion
October 12th, 2013 6:00pm
Greystone Country Club
57 Greystone
, Cabot
, Arkansas
, 72023
ticket prices
per person at door - $20.00
Invited Classes
About Event
The date has been booked and the deposit paid. Event starts at 6pm and we will be having BBQ chicken, beans, coleslaw, and potato salad. Entry is $20 per person, paid at the door, so I need to have a count of who is going by Oct 4th. If you are going then please message me and indicate plus 1 for spouse or significant other. There will be about 10 extra plates but those on the list get served first and any showing without confirmation will be charged entry, plate or no plate. Drinks, except water, will be billed to you at the table and there will also be a full service bar where drinks can be purchased as well. If any classmates that have a band want to set up you can contact Jessica Cuneo for details regarding surveying the room for set up etc. In addition if there are any that wish to Golf beforehand you can call and reserve a tee time and play 18 holes with cart for $30 per person, just mention you are part of the reunion. If you are in contact with anyone that is not in this group please get this information to them and have them message me on FB or email me at to confirm their spot(s). This was the best I could come up with so hope to see you all there.