Burncoat Sr. High Class Of 78 - 35th Reunion
November 29th, 2013 6:00pm - 11:59pm
The Manor
42 West Boylston Street
, West Boylston
, Massachusetts
, 01583
ticket deadline
November 15th, 2013
ticket prices
Single - $50.00
Couple/Double - $100.00
Invited Classes
About Event
!!! Cash Bar !!! Live Music !!! Dancing !!! Renew Old Friendships !!!
Sponsor your business! If you would like to donate a raffle item, or advertise in the Classmates Directory, contact Jeff Camusso at jeffy@charter.net.
Bring cash to the event. There will be lots of raffle items to bid on. All raffle donations will go directly to the Michael Ellsessar Foundation.
Clean your house! We will have a box at the door for your gently used sporting items and equipment. The Michael Ellsessar Foundation has set up a location for those who are less fortunate and cannot afford all new equipment.
Remember to join our FACEBOOK group - Find us and stay in touch:
Burncoat Sr. High Class of 78
Make checks payable to BSH Class of 78 and send to: BSH Class of 78, PO Box 60703, Worcester, MA 01606.