Buchtel High School Class Of 1950 - 64 Year Class Reunion On July 18, 2014
July 18th, 2014 11:30am
Quaker Station
135 South Broadway
, Akron
, Ohio
Invited Classes
About Event
The committee has scheduled a buffet luncheon on Friday, July 18th at Quaker Station that is part of Quaker Square located at 135 South Broadway between Mill and Bowery (where the silos are.) The Quaker Square complex had been operated as a hotel, but recently has been taken over by the University of Akron to be used for student housing. Quaker Station is now used for all University banquets, etc. This new site for our luncheon is just inside the Quaker Square main entrance, which is handicapped accessible. Free parking is available all around the Quaker Square buildings. The Martin Center at the University, which is where we have met in previous years, is being completely renovated.
The map shows the Quaker Square location.
We continue to ask for your help in keeping status and mailing lists up-to-date. A list of missing classmates is included. Please drop us a note if you have information about any of these missing classmates or, if you know of any deceased classmates or classmates with new addresses.
Your Reunion Committee:
Dorothy (Levering) and Dick Kist [330-836-7243]; Bill Beckett {wbeckett2@comcast.net]
Cost is $10 per person. Make checks payable to: “Dick Kist”
Mail checks and reservations to: Dorothy and Dick Kist
1360 Bellcrest Drive
Akron, Ohio 44313
Send your reservations and checks by July 1, 2014.