Bridgeport High School Alumni
Bridgeport, West Virginia (WV)
Bridgeport High School - Class of 1966 Alumni
Join 32 alumni from Bridgeport High School Class of 1966. Reconnect, view profiles, photos, yearbooks, upcoming reunions.

Ginger Haught
Class of 1966

Thomas Thomas Reeder
Class of 1966

Joe Trupo
Class of 1966

Sarah Albright Walton
Class of 1966

Larry Pumphrey
Class of 1966

Ed Pais
Class of 1966

Ginger Haught
Class of 1966

Cindy Halloran
Class of 1966

Vickie Bennett
Class of 1966

Sharlene Bush
Class of 1966

Larry Pumphrey
Class of 1966

Claude J
Class of 1966

Carol Johnston
Class of 1966

Larry Light
Class of 1966

Shirley Urtso
Class of 1966

Jeff Gray
Class of 1966

Thomas Reeder
Class of 1966

George (steve) Camp
Class of 1966

Beverly Railey
Class of 1966

George Shallenberger
Class of 1966

Linda Beerbower
Class of 1966

Ricki Coyner
Class of 1966

Lawrence (larry) Light
Class of 1966

Rea Hudson
Class of 1966

Nancy Hirzel
Class of 1966

Cynthia Halloran
Class of 1966

Elizabeth Powell
Class of 1966

Stephen Jones
Class of 1966

Darrell Riley
Class of 1966

Dee Riley
Class of 1966

Robert Rector
Class of 1966

Dave Frey
Class of 1966
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Class of 1964
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Class of 1968
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