80th Anniversary (Reunion of all Reunions)
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Bayside High School 80th Anniversary (reunion Of All Reunions)


June 10th, 2016
(ending June 11th, 2016)


Bayside High School
32-24 Corporal Kennedy St , Bayside , New York , 11360

ticket prices

Early Bird Ticket (till April 31st) - $50.00
General Admission (May 1st) - $65.00

Invited Classes

All Classes

About Event

June 10th
5PM-6PM: Doors Open for tours (tours every twenty minutes)
7PM-9PM: SING event (student performance)

June 11th
4PM-8PM Reunion of All Unions (Buy TICKETS NOW)

Follow us on facebook: Friends of Bayside High School

80th Anniversary (Reunion of all Reunions)
Reunion Committee

Miriam Riaz (Faculty)

Miriam Riaz (Faculty)

Alumni Relations Director

Send a Message

Reunion Apparel