Arlington High School Class Of '65 Informal Meet And Greet Friday October 23, 2015
October 23rd, 2015 5:00pm
(ending October 25th, 2015 12:00am)
Shadows on the Hudson
176 Rinaldi Blvd.
, Poughkeepsie
, New York
, 12601
ticket prices
None required - $0.00
Invited Classes
About Event
This will be an informal gathering at the bar and nearby tables. No reservation required. Casual dress. Come and re-connect with your classmates. Food and drinks are available from the menu and the bar. Great view of the Mid-Hudson Bridge in the evening.
Lunch at former Brighton Diner
October 24th, 2015 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Acropolis Diner
829 Main Street
, Poughkeepsie
, New York
, 12603
Invited Classes
About Event
Class of 1965 classmates are welcome to gather for lunch hosted by Tom Phelan. There are some touring the school at 10:00 a.m., some visiting the Vassar College Art Museum that afternoon.
Come if you can. Identify yourself as a 1965 Alum for a 35-cent lunch.
Class of 1965 50th Reunion
October 24th, 2015 8:00pm
(ending October 25th, 2015 12:00am)
Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel
40 Civic Center Plaza
, Poughkeepsie
, New York
, 12601
ticket prices
Cocktail Hour and Dinner/per person - $50.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Make your reservation now. Send a check for $60 per person payable to Arlington1965 to Arlington1965, 6385 Wilson Rd., Vernon Center, NY 13477. Dinner will be Saturday evening, October 24th at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel Starlight and Dutchess Room. Cocktail hour at 8:00 p.m., dinner to follow. Please register your interest in attending so we can plan. We must meet a 60 person minimum for Saturday dinner gala. Call Tom Phelan at 315-243-7605 or e-mail him at phelandrtom@gmail.com. To send Contact information, go to www.arlington1965.org and use the Contact Form. Stay tuned. This will be a SUPER event. See you there!
Class of 1965 50th Reunion - Sunday Daytime Possibilities
October 25th, 2015
Walkway Over the Hudson
ticket prices
Donations Accepted - $5.00
Invited Classes
About Event
Walkway Over the Hudson is just one excellent activity while attending the Class of 1965 Reunion. We also recommend the Vassar College Art Museum and a visit to our school. Plan for free time Saturday morning and afternoon, but look forward to the Saturday night (8:00 - midnight) cocktail hour and dinner at the Poughkeepsie Grand. We will have a microphone to pass so we can share our stories. Business casual dress is best for the Saturday night dinner. Plan to register to secure your seats by April 30th.