Anna-jonesboro High School Class Of 1968 - 45th Reunion
September 27th, 2013
(ending September 28th, 2013)
Undetermined - Please send suggestions.
Invited Classes
About Event
Friday, 9/27, we plan to have a float in the homecoming parade. Meet at the Anna City Pool parking lot at noon; parade begins at 1 PM. We will tailgate before the Homecoming game (5:30 PM) beside the football field. Bring some food to share. Game time is 7:00 PM. Following game we will meet at Boswell's for postgame drinks and socializing. Saturday, 9/28, we will have a buffet dinner at Lou's Room. Social hour starting at 5:00 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Casual dress. Cost for the dinner is $25 per person. Make checks payable to AJCHS Class of 1968 and mail to Peggy O'Brien Dent, 750 Toledo Cemetery Rd., Cobden, IL, 62920. (Please try to return your reservation letter by July 1.) We will have a memorabilia table set up; bring something to share. Please don't miss this opportunity to reconnect with old friends.