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Amsterdam High School Class Of 1967 Reunion


August 18th, 2012


Americas Best Value Inn Amsterdam NY

Invited Classes


About Event

Classmates Since our original postcard mailing, we have learned that Crystal Ristorante will be closing on May 5th, due to foreclosure. Following this unfortunate announcement, members of the reunion committee quickly canvassed area locations and, we were able to book the large banquet room at the Americas Best Value Inn in the city. Many may remember this as (what once was) the pool area of the (then) Holiday Inn. It can hold ~300 people and has a stage for the band. We will again be able to have a block of ~25 rooms available at a reduced cost, as was done for our 40th. Other than the change of venue, our reunion dates, times and events remain the same. Our eMai accounts remain a center of activity, and we thank all who have provided their info. As time draws nearer to August 18th, we will continue to provide updated information. For those without a known eMail address, we will receive their reunion packet via the USPS. If you are in contact with any classmates please forward this info to them. The Reunion Committee

Class of 1967 Reunion
Reunion Committee

George Galeazza '67

George Galeazza '67

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

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