Abraham Lincoln High School Class Of 1964 50th Reunion
August 9th, 2014 5:00pm - 11:30pm
Sheraton Denver Tech Center
7007 South Clinton St
, Greenwood Village
, Colorado
, 80112
Invited Classes
About Event
Details obtained from www.classmates.com website:
Invitations for our 50th reunion are in the mail and email. You should be receiving them soon. Take advantage of the special $89/room, single or double, hotel pricing. When you reserve, mention ALHS Class of 64. Also, take advantage of Early Bird pricing before 5/15. Make reunion checks payable to Patricia Boulding. We're going to have a great time. Join us!
Reunion price: $50
Due by: 05/15/2014
Payment: Checks & money orders
Other info: Early Bird cost $50/person before 5/15; Standard cost $60/person before 7/15; Late cost $70/person after 7/15
Reunion organizer: Michael Kelly
http://www.classmates.com/reunions/ALHS-Class-of-1964-50th-Reunion/379926 to RSVP
Invitations are in the USPS and email, to arrive on or before March 23rd. If you don't receive one, send Michael an email at michael19452000@yahoo.com
BONUS!! Saturday, August 9th, from 9-10am Lincoln High will be open for us. Join us for a trip down memory lane where it all started. The entire school will be open for our return visit-a real homecoming!