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Jennifer Starkweather

A-c Central High School
Class of 2004

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Jennifer Starkweather - Class of 2004 - A-c Central High School
First Name Jennifer
Last Name Starkweather
Graduation Year Class of 2004
Gender Female
Current Location fakeland
Relationship Status In a Relationship
About Me i am completley infatuated and in love with at the same time, england, i'm all about england...CANNOT wait to return, the trip of april 2007 was one of thee greatest experiences of my life....will forever be a dream to travel all over england...hoping austin and I can go there together some day, soon i hope...hey, i can dream can't I? ; ) another important thing about me is that i am a vegetarian, and planning on being that way for the rest of my days. i am very much an animal lover and cannot stand to eat meat any longer, this includes fish.i avoid eggs when possible as well...i spend wayyy too much time reading about testing on animals,living conditions of farm animals and animals raised/hunted for the use of their fur and signing petitions online against it all. i buy and use as many products as i can that are not tested on animals. i am ALL for animal rights and sharing the facts/info with anyone and everyone who will listen. and it all started with wanting to save the poor seals in canada from the horrible slaughter--http://www.hsus.org/index-seals.html and please also visit www.savejapandolphins.org after that i am no longer ignorant to the cruelties that go on with the poor animals that are tortured in labs,circuses,factory farms, h...(read more)
Jennifer Starkweather - Class of 2004 - A-c Central High School

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