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Westside High School Class Of 1972 - 40th Reunion


August 18th, 2012


Regency Lodge - 105th & Pacific - Omaha, NE 68124

Invited Classes


About Event

Our event is still in the planning stages. It is a two day outing, Friday, August 17th and Saturday, Sugusut 18th. To date, we will have a cocktail party, golf outing, tour of WHS, dinner and more to follow! Join the Facebook page - Omaha Westside HIgh School - Class of 72. Please e-mail me with any questions. or on Facebook

Class Of 1972 - 40th Reunion
Reunion Committee

Rory Berigan '72

Rory Berigan '72

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel