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Westfield High School Reunion


August 26th, 2012


Jack Jeneral's house - 22 Meadow Lane - Southwick, MA

Invited Classes


About Event

3rd ANNUAL REUNION, REUNION PICNIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 2012 RAIN OR SHINE 12:00noon to 5:00pm PLACE: Home of Jack and Carol Jeneral 22 MEADOW LANE, SOUTHWICK, MA 01077 Timing: Plan to arrive at noon – pot luck served at 1:00pm Food: Please bring a pot luck dish – Electrical outlets are available for electric fry pans, crock-pots, etc., but hot food should arrive already heated. Refrigeration space is limited, so if bringing cold food for the pot luck, please bring a cooler to keep food cold. Not much of a cook or no time for cooking, prepared foods from Big Y, Costco, etc., works very well. Open Bar - $5 donation/person (wine, beer, mixed drinks) $2 (soda and water) Dress: Picnic Attire Spouses and Significant Others welcome Expect: Fun, relaxing, and informal. Last year Jack and Gordie Sullivan got out their guitars and Martha joined in on the piano with Ann singing. NO RSVP REQUIRED.

Reunion Committee

Martha David '59

Martha David '59

Reunion Coordinator

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