Congratulations all 2010 Graduates!
Attention Trojans : Summer Reunion Season is Here!
It's not too late! Start planning your class reunion or set aside time to attend your reunion. Visit the alumni site to browse photos, search for your reunion information or to post your reunions and upcoming events.
Alumni Photos

Judy Williams
Class of '83

Rob Hansen
Class of '72

Tom Gibson
Class of '75

Danielle Hokanson
Class of '03

Qiana Jennings
Class of '00

Jeffrey Stotler
Class of '90
Special Alumni Thank You!
The Trojans Alumni Web Site is not supported by the school. Thank you so much for supporting the site through your membership and participation.
Reunion Dos and Don'ts
With reunion season upon us it's time to get prepared for a fun time with old friends and classmates. Here are some dos and don'ts you must...
2010 Wisconsin State Spring Sports Titles:
Sport Winner
BaseballDivision 1Bay Port
BaseballDivision 2University School Of Milwaukee
BaseballDivision 3Marathon
BaseballDivision 4Catholic Central
SoftballDivision 1Kaukauna
SoftballDivision 2Luxemburg-casco
New Trojans Gear!
Amazing Facts!
The Gulf Oil Spill
Special Hotel Rates
We have partnered with a national travel agency offering alumni discounts on hotel rooms for reunions or anytime you need accommodations.
Alumni Poll
• Global Warming
• Arizona Law
• BP Gulf Oil Spill
• Economy
• and more...
Funny School Jokes!
Your Yearbook
Summer is a great time to grab your class yearbook, remember old friends and to have a good laugh. So take a minute to find your yearbook and open it up. Remember to upload your yearbook photos for all your old classmates to see.
Summer Tips for Pets
Summer is a time for both you and your pet to enjoy the sunshine and outdoors, but along with the fun, the season also offers up situations that can endanger...
Visit the site for a more detailed look at what's been going on.

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