Attention: Tigers Football Season is here!
Newest Member Photos

Paige Carlson
Class of '82

Don McQueen
Class of '81

Ronda Naslund
Class of '83

Barb Godsil
Class of '82

Neil Hartzell
Class of '56

Richard Wilson
Class of '53
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Alumni Notice: Remember to upgrade to Lifetime Membership if you haven't already. It's still a one time fee but the alumni site will be changing to an annual fee very soon so upgrade today.
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Fall Nights of 1984

Do you remember those cool fall nights under the lights at the football field? No matter what crowd you hung out with, we all remember attending the games!

Take a trip back in time this season and go out to cheer on the team. Invite some of your old classmates to join you in the bleachers and bundle up in some fan gear to show your true school spirit!

Go Tigers!

Thank you Lifetime Members!
Special thanks to all our Lifetime Members that support our alumni site. We can't keep the site going without your help. You can become a Lifetime Member if you haven't already. It's easy and your support is greatly appreciated!
Upload Your Reunion Photos and School Pictures?
Your class need your help! Do you have any reunion photos, class pictures or old sports photos? Please upload all your great photos to share with your classmates!
Trendy Gadgets for Back to School
Technology has changed since we were in school. Now there are gadgets for every school project and assignment.Forget books, binders, backpacks and pocket calculators - today's students are also investing in the three other B's: broadband, Bluetooth and Blu-ray... Read Article Here
Funny School Jokes!
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