Oct 14, 2008
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Fellow Alumni, lets hear your views
Hello Alumni, fall is here again. This season always reminds us of football, cross-country and other sports, so take a moment to reflect and reconnect with those friends who share your memories. Also don't forget to participate in our election poll. We want to know where our alumni stand. Read on to find out about some of the exciting changes that have been made to the site.
Latest Alumni Registrants
Bill Newsome '69
todd bennett '90
Diana Dennis '94
Dawn Skuban '81
TaVada Zimmermon '95
Erica Broadwater '97
Amanda Thomas '95
Randall Lowe '76
Kathleen Crabbe '67
Eddie Williams IV '98
marie phillips '98
Create your own custom shirt!
An awesome new feature has been added for creating your very own custom school t-shirts and sweatshirts, or any other type of design you want. Family, pets, work, sports, get creative! Create a shirt and then order it through the site.
Create shirt
What's new on the alumni site?
Custom Survey Builder - Create a customized survey containing multiple questions for your class (or all classes), and then watch the results pour in. This is a fun way of revisiting memories, and can also be VERY useful for reunion planning. Go to your class homepage to access this tool.
Presidential Poll - We've all been talking about it; now see what the alumni have to say about this year's election. Visit the new surveys area which is accessible through your class homepage to complete this survey or view the results.
New Class Surveys - An interesting new survey has been posted for all classes, please complete it. Visit the new surveys area which is accessible through your class homepage to take this survey.
Custom T-shirts/Sweatshirts - Let those creative juices flow freely, and design a t-shirt with this awesome tool. After you've created the design, you and your classmates can order it through the site! Click here to try this out.
Visit the alumni site >>
Recent Profiles Updated
Bill Newsome '69
Diana Dennis '94
Dawn Skuban '81
TaVada Zimmermon '95
Kathleen Crabbe '67
Amanda Thomas '95
Randall Lowe '76
carmen-jacqueline kotas '84
New Profile Photos
These are among some of the new photos which have been uploaded:
Browse more photos >>
In Memory Of...
Scott Starnes '77
Michael Thomas '82
Scott Rosser '82
Kevin Pinckney '82
Read more
Reunion Information
"Back for the first time" - class of '95
"Golf" - class of '82
"Greenjacket Basebal game" - class of '82
New Class/Reunion Photos
Browse more photos >>
Map Locator
Members that marked their location on our map recently:
Dawn Skuban '81
chinesha lee '95
carmen-jacqueline kotas '84
Donna Smoot '77
Johnny & Ran
Click here for more Johnny and Ran >>
Visit the site for a more detailed look at what's been going on.
Go to the alumni site >>
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