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North Ridgeville High School Planning Meeting


October 15th, 2008


Bullfrog’s Sports Café, - 33137 Center Ridge Road - North Ridgeville - - 440-327-FROG

Invited Classes


About Event

You are invited to the first planning meeting of the North Ridgeville High School Class of 1979 THIRTY YEAR Reunion. It will be held on Wednesday evening, October 15, 7:00 pm at the Bullfrog’s Sports Café, 33137 Center Ridge Road, North Ridgeville (in a plaza on the south side of Center Ridge between Mill Creek and Lear Nagle). We’ll determine the agenda when we get there. If you can’t make it, but know a classmate that can, please forward this along. I you would, please email me back at with your email address, as many of you I sent this through the following website: which doesn’t list email addresses. I will start a distribution list. I’ve been in contact with Janet Johnson Detzel who will be there. She still has the access to our class funds and can review what we have and need at the meeting. I guess we’ll figure it out when we get there and kickoff the plans. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by phone or email. Hope to see you there. Man, am I feeling old thinking about planning a “30 Year” reunion! Dave Gatian Cleveland, OH 216-235-5320 cell

Planning Meeting
Reunion Committee

David Gatian '79

David Gatian '79

Reunion Coordinator

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