Welcome to AlumniClass.com! Whether you graduated a few months or a few decades ago, you can find your high school and class reunions here. Reconnect with classmates, learn about upcoming school reunions, and order custom merchandise to show your school spirit. If you don't feel like waiting for classmates to find you, take the lead by planning and promoting your next high school reunion yourself! Our free Reunion Guide Book has everything you need to know.

AlumniClass helps you reach that reunion easier than ever. Our travel partners guarantee that you and your classmates will receive the best possible rates on the journey to revisit your alma mater.

Start exploring today -- old friends and fond memories await!

Stay Connected With Your Classmates!

Preble WI Linda Schenkelberg Class of '03

Linda Schenkelberg

Class of '03

Preble WI

Miami Killian FL Richard Osmon Class of '70

Richard Osmon

Class of '70

Miami Killian FL

Tremper WI David Earnest Class of '73

David Earnest

Class of '73

Tremper WI

El Camino CA Jeanette Stedman Class of '65

Jeanette Stedman

Class of '65

El Camino CA

Clinton NY Douglas Calhoun Class of '60

Douglas Calhoun

Class of '60

Clinton NY

Find Your Old School Friends and Reconnect!

Recently Posted Events

Leigh, CA

Alumni Event for 1974

Dennis-yarmouth Regional, MA

Alumni Event for 1964

John F Kennedy, IA

Alumni Event for 1968, 1969, 1970

Bellefontaine, OH

Alumni Event for 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987

Mount Tahoma, WA

Alumni Event for 1974

Pebblebrook, GA

Alumni Event for 1990

Heritage, CO

Alumni Event for 1974

Johnsburg, IL

Alumni Event for 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1990

Northside, AR

Alumni Event for 1969

Ilwaco, WA

Alumni Event for 1974

Build Your Class Reunion Website!

Reunion Planning Made Easy With These Tools!

Sell Tickets Online

Reunion planning is so much easier when you sell your reunion tickets online.


Always Stay In Touch

Keep everyone in the loop with the ability to send messages to your entire class.


Travel & Accommodation

Receive the best rates on accommodations guaranteed!


FREE Reunion Book

Gain access to our Reunion Guide Book! FREE (a $39.99 value)!


Reunion Merchandise

Raise funds for your reunion with a FREE online merchandise shop!


Social Networks

Utilize the power of social networking to promote your class reunion!


Recent Testimonials

"This is a wonderful site! I was able to connect with old friends!" Joyce S., Class of 81

"Class reunions couldn't have been planned any easier thanks to the reunion planning tools. People think I'm a pro" Shannon W., Class of 94

"So nostalgic! I kept catching myself say "I remember her!", "I remember him!" this is a great place to see what everyone is up to" Alex U., Class of 99


10019 E Knox Ave
Spokane Valley, WA
Phone: 509-340-2505