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Highland Park High School Planning Meeting


January 22nd, 2015 7:00pm


Planning Committee Members Home
1485 Edgcumbe Rd , St. Paul , Minnesota , 55116

Invited Classes


About Event

Please email me if you can attend or if you can't attend but you would like to help:

Many of you have offered to help and others may want to. Helping does not have to mean a lot of work! We are having a meeting to flush out ideas and to create a list of things to do. From there people can help with whatever they are comfortable with or not. We have the date and location: 29-AUG at the Officer’s Club, below are others things we would like to start planning:

• Finances:
o Costs: Officer’s club, food, drinks, etc, and how much to charge per person?
o Accounting: who and how do we track the money, how can people pay (ie. paypal), etc.
o How many should we estimate, etc.

• Food, Music, Drink:
o Menu specifics
o Drinks
o Music options
o Attire?

• Contacting the class:
o What we have done so far for contacting people and what else can we do?
o Do we need a website, or can we work everything through Facebook, etc.?
o Can we do this without any mailing(s)? (Do we want to?)

• Actions and Volunteers needed for the evening:
o Decorations?
o Greeting Table?
o Photographer?
o Recognition of those that have passed

• Ideas for other 'reunion weekend' events/activities - golf day, picnic, etc.

Thanks - DebG, BruceA, MichelleW, and JayH

Planning Meeting
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel