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Central High School San Angelo Chs Class Of 1980 30 Year Reunion


October 16th, 2010


Fort Concho Historical Landmark Stables - 630 South Oaks, San Angelo, TX - - Further information forth coming for event TBD for Friday, October 15, 2010

Invited Classes


About Event

$30 per person Send all checks / monies to: John Young 3313 Cooper Branch East Denton, TX 76209 contact #s: 214.923.8638 or 214.923.8638 email: You may also call or email him to arrange credit ard and other transactions for payment.

San Angelo CHS Class of 1980 30 Year Reunion
Reunion Committee

Carol Perez '80

Carol Perez '80

Reunion Coordinator

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Invited Classmates

Reunion Apparel