Trenton High School Alumni

Trenton, Missouri (MO)

Shelly Arbuckle Walden

Trenton High School

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Shelly Arbuckle Walden - Faculty - Trenton High School
First Name Shelly
Last Name Arbuckle Walden
Graduation Year Faculty
Gender Female
Current Location Liberty, Missouri
Hometown Trenton, Missouri
Relationship Status Married
About Me My family and friends are simply the most important things in my life. I am who I am because of them. I love going home to my small town so that I can do the "country" things. However, I love living in the city and doing "city" things. :) I have an appreciation for my roots AND where I am in life right now. I am a hippie type chic that would have loved to experience the 60's and 70's as an adult...patchouli, Woodstock, and great classic rock. Still love guys with long 80's hair band hair (sorry...I can't stop) ;) I am in a constant state of flux, which is why I have no tattoos and will never get one. What trips my trigger today...may not tomorrow. I sincerely detest drama and people who create and let live...hurt noone in the process. Lying and hair in the tub and sink are some of my biggest pet peeves, although, I have many. :) People who cannot accept that others have different lifestyles, religions, etc...irk me! Who are YOU to decide for me or anyone else what is right? I follow the ...(read more)
Shelly Arbuckle Walden - Faculty - Trenton High School