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Santa Cruz High School Class Of 1962 Reunion


October 1st, 2022 5:00pm


DeLaveaga Grille

Invited Classes


About Event

There will be a dinner on Saturday and an outdoor event on Sunday. Contact Marlyn Blakemore Lawrence at for more info.

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Chris Allan '62 said:

Greetings Fellow Alumni,

This is intended to allow those who have not received the SCHS class =
of 1962 reunion book the opportunity to purchase one. I have about 20 =
extra copies and will sell them until they are gone. The book turned out =
to be 91 pages and is pretty impressive. The cover and page 1 are =
included below. My apologies if you get a couple of e-mails from me, I =
am trying to make sure no one is missed.

The cost is $20 if you can pick it up or $25 if you need it shipped. =
Make out your check to SCHS Class of 62 and mail to Mike Epperson, 534 =
Cuesta Dr., Aptos, CA 95003.

Chris Allan '62 said:

Class of ‘62

Here’s where we are:

To have the alumni dinner at the Grille at DeLaveaga we must have 75 attendees, we currently have 33. Now I know that the invitation we have been circulating says “deadline for registration” is September 20th but it would sure help if we knew earlier that we were going to make the quota. So; do everyone a favor and send your checks to me now and let’s lock in the venue.

As a little bribe, I am indicating to those that sign up for the 60th reunion that they can come to the 70th reunion for FREE! We're going to have it at my house around a card table. So; you might want to take advantage of making it to the 60th and spend some time with old friends.

In addition, Marlyn Blakemore Lawrence started a great “Where are they now” Memory book and has handed off to me to finish. We have 70+ pages of great information on your classmates and we would like to include information on you, if you come to the gathering or not. Please, mail or e-mail to me what you have been up to. A paragraph or two and/or a picture or two would be appreciated. If you mail me something hand written I can get it typed and in the book. Our plan is to give away the book to those attending and offering for sale (Probably $15 to $20) to those that don’t attend.

My e-mail address is on this document, and my snail mail address is 524 Cuesta Drive, Aptos, CA 95003.

Come and enjoy the fun,


Chris Allan '62 posted a photo:

Here’s a photo with the details for the reunion. Hopefully you can print it out and send it with your check. Hope to see you there.

Chris Allan Rustigian

Reunion Apparel