Marshfield High School Alumni

Marshfield, Wisconsin (WI)

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William Noll

Wisconsin State Assembly

What is William Noll known for?

William Noll, an impactful alumnus of Marshfield High School, Marshfield, WI, is remembered as a significant figure in Wisconsin's political landscape. Born on March 23, 1834, in Hübingen, Germany, Noll emigrated to America and made a name for himself both as a businessman and politician. He established a successful career as a hardware merchant, building a strong base that would support his subsequent political endeavors.

In 1876, Noll took on the role of a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly, representing the Republican Party. His political career extended beyond the assembly, as he also served his local community as the town clerk of Lyndon, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin in 1875. Noll's dedication to public service was further witnessed when he became a supervisor of Lyndon town in 1877. These roles allowed him to shape and contribute to the development and governance of his local community.

Fulfilling the rites of an accomplished life, William Noll passed away on March 23, 1908, in Marshfield, Wisconsin, the same town where he garnered great respect as a politician and public servant. His legacy remains an essential part of Wisconsin's history, marking him as a notable figure amongst Marshfield High School alumni.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Wisconsin's official government website or the The Legislative Manual of the State of Wisconsin. You can also read about the history of Wood County Wisconsin here.