AlumniClass Home  >  Ohio  >  Glenville High School  >  Reunions  >  Class of 1976-- 40th Reunion

Glenville High School Class Of 1976-- 40th Reunion


August 19th, 2016 6:00pm
(ending August 21st, 2016 3:00pm)


Hilton Garden Inn/Cleveland East
700 Beta Drive , Mayfield Village , Ohio , 44143

Invited Classes

All Classes

Recommended Hotels

A block of rooms have been reserved until July 29, 2016. Reservations can be made by calling
1-440-646-1777. You must request the group rate and give them the group code "G40". After July 29, 2016, reservations will be taken on an availability basis and the rate is NOT guaranteed.

Class of 1976-- 40th Reunion
Reunion Committee

Reunion Apparel