Culver City High School Alumni

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Romy Cutler

Culver City High School
Class of 2003

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Romy Cutler - Class of 2003 - Culver City High School
First Name Romy
Last Name Cutler
Graduation Year Class of 2003
Gender Female
Current Location Los Angeles, California
Hometown Los Angeles, California
Relationship Status In a Relationship
About Me There are times in life when we all have to stop and ask what we really want out of the time we spend drawn together by minutes and seasons. When we have to look at what we really want and how much we're willing to spend to get there, how much time, how much energy, how much passion. Ibid once stated that "thought has meaning only when generated by action upon the world." If this is true than many of us are merely at the starting line of how we can impact the world and how we can live our lives. We are a generation of dreamers, lost in the impossibility of what technology has made, through illusion, seem real. The availability of contact with celebrity allows us to become "symbolic (participants) in another's life, with the illusion of acting, when in reality we only submit to and become part of those who act."- Ibid. So, many of us have work to do. Focus on what work gets the results you are looking for not what brings immediate satisfaction or the illusion of happiness through wasted time. Except the chaos in your mind, those that have done great things never had blank minds. Stop business but begin productivity. The act of working for something that you deem important will give you a feeling of accomplishment as opposed to just the passing of time. Look at the sky, remember that the Lord our GOD has his hand on us. Devote yourself to faith. Make limits so that you don't get lost or off track in the midst of things. Slow down, rushing might not get you there faster, just less safely. Don't make things harder for yourself, trust that GOD will speak into your heart, sometimes we avoid what's good for us because we are either not used to or afraid of success. Give yourself time to be silent, relax your body so that your mind can focus. Know your worth. Do not settle for crumbs in anything. Always strive to be your best. These are little anecdotes that I just wanted to share. I think we all have a lot of wisdom to share from GOD. "While life is characterized by growth in a structured, functional manner, the necrophilous person loves all that does not grow, all that is mechanical. The necrophilous person is driven by the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic, to approach life mechanically, as if all living persons were things.... Memory, rather than experience; having rather than being, is what counts. The necrophilous person can relate to an object-a flower or a person-only if he possesses it; hence a threat to his possessions is a threat to himself;if he loses his possessions he loses contact with the world....He loves control, and in the act of controlling he kills life." -Fromm Live in truth, peace and freedom....(read more)
Romy Cutler - Class of 2003 - Culver City High School

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