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Bay Shore High School 50th Reunion Class Of 1970


June 24th, 2021
(ending June 26th, 2021)

Invited Classes


Bay Shore High ”1st Anniversary of our 50th Reunion” Class of 1970
Reunion Committee

Invited Classmates

Recent Comments

Sandra Stern '70 said:

I would like to let you know, the reimbursement checks for those who paid for our reunion events, were all mailed today. Please cash the check when you get it, so I can close out our reunion bank account out soon. We are certainly going to miss seeing you all this June!

Sandra Stern '70 said:

It breaks Our hearts to announce that we have made the difficult decision to cancel plans for the Class of 1970’s 50th reunion rescheduled for June 2021. Covid-19 took it away from us in 2020. We truly thought we would be able to celebrate this year. Although Covid restrictions are slowly being lifted, they are still not at safe enough levels for us to gather in a large capacity. NYS requirements for large gatherings mandate the wearing masks, temperature checks, negative testing, dancing only with those at your table, no mingling and definitely no hugging. This is not how we want to celebrate with you. As of today the high school has not commented on their plans for the graduation of the Class of 2021. We continue to work with the high school to obtain our commemorative 50 year diplomas and we will definitely be printing and mailing out our 50-year journal sometime this year.
Will we shoot for 2022 and the “Second Anniversary of our 50th Reunion”? Unfortunately, no. Sandy and I have been working on this celebration since 2019 and its time to call the game. Sadly, we will go down in the annals of Bay Shore High School history as “The Class of 1970 – The 50th Reunion that Never Was.”
For those of you who have sent your money in for the festivities, we are working on reimbursing you. Please give us a little time to get things togather.

Sandra Stern '70 said:

8 minutes ago

New Reunion letters will be mailed this Wednesday or Thursday. The school district has been gracious to defray the cost for our mailings. The packet includes a questionnaire for those who have not sent one in last year, you will be getting a second chance to be in our Journal. The packet also includes a new Registration for our events. For the many who have already sent in the questionnaire and Registration, with checks, there will nothing else for you to do. So look out for our new letters and if there is any questions please refer them to Nancy or myself. Looking forward to seeing everyone next June.

Sandra Stern '70 said:

Great news....We received word that our Class of 1970 will be participating in the graduation ceremony next year to receive our Honorary 50th Year Diploma. We will also be receiving our Journals then too since the district said they will not print before that.

Our committee will be sending out new letters with the updated information and a new Registration Form sometime in the fall. For many of you who have already registered and sent your checks, your money is safe in our Reunion bank account. All venues are honoring the same pricing FYI

Remember...Save the Dates:
Thursday June 24th, 2021....Meet and Greet at Nicky’s
Friday, June 25th ceremony at High School ...and Dinner Dance at Capt Bills
Saturday, June 26th....Kismet buffet luncheon

Reunion Apparel